Preparing For Baby

10 Absolutely Necessary Items To Pack In Your Hospital Bag (And What To Leave Out)

Back in 2012 when I had my first baby I was your typical first time mom that basically took an entire suitcase to the hospital. I found the longest list I could find and started there, adding a few “essentials” of my own. 

You know, a hairdryer because I wasn’t going to look terrible in those first family photos. My own pillow and a basically the entire wardrobe I had for the baby.

I didn’t use a fourth of it and had my husband drive home to get things I actually needed. 

As a second time mom I wasn’t as bad but still followed a vague list from a baby site and I still had too much. 

I have figured out lists like this are made for first time mom’s because we automatically assume more is better. And we think about every maybe that could happen so we have a lot of I might need these items.

Well this time I’m not falling for it. So I came up with my own list. 

At the bottom of the post you’ll find a fun little graphic I made for a quick view.

Here are my picks.

1. Documents: Insurance papers, birth plan, hospital forms (etc)

2. Phone & Charger: Back when I had my first baby I didn’t have a smart phone so I took my Kindle, a notebook and pens, plus my phone and charger. Luckily now this is all rolled into one.

3. Loose Clothing: I’m not packing this yet because I don’t have enough clothes that fit me to already pack this. But I’m planning on packing two shirts and two pants that are loose fitting, nothing tight and nothing pre-pregnancy.

4. Socks/Underwear/Bras: pack some extras just in case and if you’re planning on breastfeeding a good nursing bra and if you’re not, bring your most comfortable bra. I had to stay a few extra days with my first and my milk came in and it was 😱

5. Baby Blanket: I plan on taking two swaddling blankets. The first time the hospital gave me some but with my second they didn’t. And depending on the weather, you might need more than what the hospital provides

6. Going Home Outfit: Make sure to pack one newborn and one 3 months. I’ve never needed the three months but I know plenty of people who have.

7. Hairbrush and Hair ties: An absolute necessity for me. I can’t stand having my hair in my face on a regular day, much less during labor.

8. Snacks: Obviously there is a cafeteria and they’ll serve you food or someone can run down to get you something but sometimes you need something to munch on, something that won’t cost you an arm and a leg between meal times.

9. Flipflops: For showering.

10. Partners clothes: I’m actually not packing this but I live 3 minutes from the hospital so I know he’ll just run home to get things if he needs to. And he’ll shower at home but I feel like I had to include this because that’s not the case for everyone.

Some things I don’t think you’ll need but are probably planning on taking?

1. A Breast pump: Even if you are planning to exclusivity pp, the hospital will provide everything you need.

2. *Makeup: Trust me you won’t use it. Full disclosure– I do take what I keep in my purse but it’s foundation and mascara.

❎ 3. Pillows: Your own or a bobby for breastfeeding. And I am one of those people who loves my own pillow. But it’s just a hassle to have the extra bulk in the room.

4. Diapers & Wipes: The hospital provides all! You’ll be charged the same amount whether you take them or not.

❎ 5. Robe & Slippers: Maybe I am biased but it’s not something you’ll need. Shower, get dressed, and get back in bed. The robe is another unnecessary bulk to your bag and the socks or flipflops can be used for moving around

So that’s my list mamas. Anyone have a must need that’s not on the list?

Mother of two beautiful girls with a little boy on the way, wife to the love of my life, aspiring writer, preschool teacher, and expert worrier.