Family Life

Daniel James – Not A Birth Story

It’s been one month of crazy since my last little was born but before I get into all that, I just wanted to announce his arrival. Note I’m not going into his birth story.

Birth stories aren’t really my thing. I think the whole thing is kind of weird actually. Recanting how many contractions and how long you pushed seems strange to me. And weirdly personal. Something only for the people close to you who actually want to hear it.

So, I won’t bore you all with the details except to say, I’m happy I was induced in the hospital because if I’d gone into labor on my own, I wouldn’t have made it to the hospital. The induction was sloooooow but the labor was record fast.

My last baby was born at 5:35pm March 4 2020 at a whopping 6lbs 8oz and 18.5 inches long.

What can I say? I make small babies and gain alooooot of weight. (40lbs! which is least amount I’ve gained in all my pregnancies) I’m a little jealous of a woman in my birth club who gained 9lbs and had a 7lb baby.

But he is the cutest little thing I have ever laid eyes on.

Mother of two beautiful girls with a little boy on the way, wife to the love of my life, aspiring writer, preschool teacher, and expert worrier.