Preparing For Baby

Diaper Bag Essentials

Let me preferance this by saying I’m a super easy going mom in the sense of things. I don’t need a lot or like to pack a lot. I wasn’t always this way. You should have seen the trunk of my car on our first family trip to the beach.

But now? I continue to become more and more of a minimalist. After having two babies you know what you actually need and what ends up just taking up space.

I have translated that into what I bought this time around and how I pack.

While mister isn’t going to be here for another ____ I have his diaper bag ready for when he gets here (while I’m easy going, I’m also a planner and LOVE lists)

What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag

For Baby

Diapers: They say 1 for every hour your gone plus a couple of extra. This is just crazy to me. Maybe in the newborn stage but how often do you go out in the newborn stage? I keep about 10 diapers in there and I have never had an issue unless I forgot to restock.

Wipes: One pack should be enough for whatever you need.

Diaper cream: My favorite is aquafor! It’s a lifesaver

Changing pad: I don’t always use it but it’s nice to have just in case plus it comes in most diaper bags anyway.

Plastic bags: These are amazing to have for just about everything. Dirty diapers, wet/dirty clothes, or even just regular trash that accumulates when you are a mom and traveling with kids whether its to the park or a car ride to the beach.

Feeding needs: This will depend on the way you plan on feeding your baby. If your formula feeding I suggest having bottles with the water already filled to the line and a dispenser for the formula for quick bottle making. If your breastfeeding-nothing unless you want a cover. Exclusive pumpers are a little more complicated-you’ll need your pump, the bottles, and somewhere to store the milk if you aren’t going to have a fridge there.

Small blanket: This can be used for many different things- a nursing cover if you want one, to keep the baby warm, to provide shade, etc.

Baby carrier: I take this thing everywhere! And except on special occasions, I leave my stroller at home.

First Aid Kit: You never know when a fever will come up or an accident will happen. It’s best to be prepared. But keep the amount down, a pain medication, some Band-Aids, and a nasal aspirator are all I usually take.

Extra clothes: I would pack two complete sets of extra clothes, especially when they are very little.

For You

I almost never carry a purse around, especially if I’m carrying a diaper bag so everything I need goes in the diaper bag as well.

The Basics: Wallet, keys, and cell phone. The things you can’t leave your house without.

Your extras: If you aren’t taking a purse, then move everything from the purse to the diaper bag but this is highly personal so it’s hard to include everything here. I’m putting in lip balm, sunglasses, a small notebook and pen, and eye drops.

Snacks: This is non negotiable for me, especially when I’m breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is the same as being pregnant, if not worse.

Extra shirt and pants: Think leggings, not jeans. Juuuuust in case. I won’t lie sometimes I leave this out but it is super nice to have because you never know when the little one is going to make a mess on you.

For Older Kids

I have two older daughters and even though they have both outgrown the diaper stage, I often have to lug around their things. Right now that I don’t carry the diaper bag around, I usually make them carry thier own backpack but a lot of times they leave it or I end up carrying it so once the little one is here, I’ll probably stuff their necesities in the diaper bag as well.

Toys or Books: Anywhere we go they drag some toy around, so I’ll have them pick one or two and stuff it in the bag too.

Individual Snacks & Drinks: It never fails, we get out of the driveway and they are already asking for food and water. And because I don’t want them passing it back and forth between each other or fighting, one for each. Problem solved.

An Extra Outfit for Each: Once kids are out of the baby and toddler stage, I swear they get dirtier than before. And it never fails they will need to change. Many times the extra item is pajamas. There is nothing better than getting home and just putting them in bed.

A Few Tips

A diaper bag is not an overnight bag. If your spending the night somewhere you’ll probably want to take something a little bigger. Seems obvious, but as a first time mom I admit trying to stuff two days worth of things in there. Live and learn, right?

Some things should live in the diaper bag. Things like wipes and diapers obviously but also diaper cream. Don’t have just one and then need to remember to put it in each time you leave. Have a spare that can stay in the diaper bag always.

Others should be put in before you leave and/or be switched out. Clothing, for example. Make sure you switch out the extra clothes. While I don’t think with the baby you’ll have a problem because you’ll probably change them often, with older children sometimes once you bring it out they’ve outgrown it.

And just go ahead and put the toys in and most of your own items in before you leave rather than keeping them in always.

Keep similar things in resealable bags. The outfits, the medicines, snacks, etc. Label each set of clothes with the child’s name (and your own). I promise it will make it so much easier when you are looking for things and it won’t cause a disaster when you have to pull something out from the bottom.

And last but not least, pick a bag you’re going to use. Check back on Thursday to see how to choose.

And to make things simple, you can download this (image, pdf) for a one page glance at what you need in your own diaper bag. In images & just text.

Call me a loser but I had mine laminated and have it by the door to make sure I don’t forget anything.

Is there something else you would add? Something I forgot? Let me know in the comments.

Mother of two beautiful girls with a little boy on the way, wife to the love of my life, aspiring writer, preschool teacher, and expert worrier.