Family Life

Not That Girl Mom

I have two girls and a little boy on the way who should be making his appearance around March 7th. Around the middle of September {13 weeks} I went in for an ultrasound and while there was no “you are having a…” but the tech did say, “this one looks like a boy”.

I swear I couldn’t believe it. I was excited but I couldn’t fathom the idea of having a boy. It was such a foreign concept to me even though I have 3 nephews and countless friends who are #BoyMoms. 

But since I was 16 I dreamed (quite literally) of having three girls. So it was quite a shock to hear I was going to be a mom of girls and boys. 

Then at 20 weeks, the ultrasound confirmed what I never imagined in my life. 

So he became Daniel James rather than Eva Isabelle 

And I did not become the #GirlMom I thought I would be. Except I’ve never really been that mom, the one who has excellent advice for everything. Who can whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies at the first sign of a bad day. I’m not the mom who likes to do elaborate hairdos in minutes. Or the one who wants to go clothes shopping to buy the perfect outfit for a special occasion. I’m not the mom who likes having tea parties and dressing up like a princess or coming up with dance moves to their favorite songs.

No. I’m not that Girl Mom.

I never liked being the one who always have to take the girls to the bathroom when we are in a public place. 

I didn’t like being the only person in the house who does hair. I don’t like to do my hair much less think of cute ways to do my kids hair, especially on busy weekday mornings.  

I don’t like the outfit changes eighteen times a day to make sure they look *perfect*.

I don’t like dealing with the girl drama because let’s be honest. Three girls in one household is a recipe for a drama disaster especially when it comes to siblings. One cross eyed look from one of my girls will most definitely turn into tears for the other. 

But I do have to admit, even though I’m not that girl mom. I do love being a girl mom.  No- I love being a mom.

Because even though I’m not that mom, I do indulge them every once and awhile with silly dance moves to our favorite songs. A baking day to satisfy a sweet craving. A short impromptu picnic at the park with their favorite stuffed animals.  The best advice I can come up with in the moment. A quick hairdo I find on pinterest when they want more than a ponytail

Because I am that mom.

That mom that tries her best. 

So even though I’m not going to be only a girl mom. I’ll still be that mom who tries her best for my girls and boy. 

Here’s to a 2020 that’s better than the rest. 

Mother of two beautiful girls with a little boy on the way, wife to the love of my life, aspiring writer, preschool teacher, and expert worrier.